Sunday, May 27, 2018

Flie 3: Things We Learn From the Phone Guy

1.Phone Guy apparently worked in the same office, but he's on his last week. If you die(dun dun duuuuuuun!), "a missing persons  report will be filed within ninety days-or as soon as property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached and the carpets have been replaced." Yep. That sounds like a completely normal thing to say.

2."If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for 20 years, and I never got a bath..."Why haven't these animatronics been cleaned? Wait -how does one clean an animatronic?


Phone Guy is somewhat nonchalant, with absolutely no explanation as to why. Throughout the game, he does his best to inform the player that there's "really nothing to worry about," despite the obvious danger of being killed by the animatronics. It is unknown if he is obligated to lie to the guards, or if he is simply trying to make Mike feel better, although the latter is more likely.
He seems to be very hesitant and awkward at times, often stuttering and nervously laughing, implying that he might be worried about the possibility of someone hearing his warnings and advice regarding the animatronics. Of course, it is also likely that he is generally anxious and on edge because of the thought of imminent danger on his conscience.

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