Tuesday, May 29, 2018

File 11: Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Simth

Case File:Jeremy Fitzgerald:

The son of Jeremy J. Fitzgerald Sr. and the protagonist of the FNAF 2 'Sequel' arc, Jeremy's mission is to clear his father's name of the wrongdoings Lucian committed and uncover the cause of the Toy Animatronics' malfunctions. Suffering from anxiety and childhood trauma from his father's insanity, his calming mantra is actually a verbal command meant to allow him to safely return the Toys to their original state for short periods of time.
After the events of 'To Watch All Night', Jeremy also became a vessel for the 5th Child, with his own unique abilities she can bestow. Unlike Mike, Jeremy is fully aware of her existence thanks to a pair of glasses she crafted that allows him to see the spirits of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
Jeremy was present in Freddy's as a toddler in 1987 and was to be one of Lucian's victims as revenge against his father, making him the intended 7th Child. He avoided this fate as his mother refused to let him go, and so was present at the time of the Bite, offering his prayers for Mike to survive. This gains him the titles of 'The 7th Child' and 'The Warmth of Life'.
He suffers from anxiety and PTSD related to the events of 1987 and discovering his father's body. Seeing the figures of people closest to him suspended in the air for any reason or seeing Golden Freddy in any form triggers a panic attack for him. Jeremy has seen several therapists for these issues but doesn't fully trust in their help.

Case File: Fritz Smith
Not much is Know about this employ. But He did replace Jeremy shifts for the weekend only to get himself Fired for messing with the bots.

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